Durc 2015 pdf military

Biosafety and biosecurity in the realm of dualuse research. Proponents of gene drives espouse the potential for this technology. In biological science, it is considered to be a growing threat as the genetics of pathogenicity traits and toxins are becoming on one hand elucidated in a detail that was not anticipated 20 years ago and on the other hand technological advances in genetic. In the twentyfirst century, biology faces a problem that has previously vexed other disciplines such as physics, namely the prospect that its knowledge domain could be used to generate biological agents with altered properties that enhanced their weapon potential. Government policy for institutional oversight of life sciences dual use research of concern, section 6. Form 1040 department of the treasuryinternal revenue service 99 u. Senate committee on armed services reach agreement with house counterparts regarding the national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2015 levininhofe statement on national defense authorization act for fy15 hasc, sasc release text of fy 2015 ndaa agreement senate committee on armed services. Dictionary sets forth standard us military and associated terminology to. Jun 05, 2018 whereas immaterial subjects, such as knowledge, can often be transmitted easily and informally, more developed structures are necessary to remove technologies and artefacts from their original research context and use them for terrorist or military purposes. Other approaches to quantifying risk show that durc carries unacceptable risk to society.

Recent advances in militaryfunded neurotechnology and novel. A new synthesis for dual use research of concern article pdf available in plos medicine 124. Viable implementations of interference excision techniques are emerging to combat the problem. United states government policy for institutional oversight. Feds fight to keep lab failings secret, usa today, may 28, 2015. Selected military personnel issues congressional research service 3 attributed to the reductions in navy reserve strength during this period. An urgent need for a paradigm shift c raina macintyre, mbbs, m app epid, ph. In the particular case of durc, the policies target research conducted with federal. Dual use issues in research a subject of increasing concern. November 2015 note the author was commissioned by the nuffield council on bioethics to write this paper in order to inform the councils discussions about possible future work on this topic. Biopreparedness in the age of genetically engineered. Dual use research of concern and the debate about gainoffunction studies absa international grapevine, tx october, 2016 joe kanabrocki, ph.

The primary regulations controlling export of technologies are the export. The united states national science advisory board for biosecurity nsabb has defined durc as research that, based on current understanding, can be reasonably anticipated to provide knowledge, products, or technologies that could be directly misapplied by others to pose a threat to public health, agriculture, plants, animals, the environment. Ethical and policy discussions on durc span the past three decades. Oct 20, 2017 dual use is defined as the application of materials, knowledge or technologies for military or terrorist purposes, as well as for good.

Pdf a new synthesis for dual use research of concern. Though this has led to unprecedented breakthroughs in life sciences and technology, it is also associated with significant risks. To facilitate the debate on dualuse research of concern durc and regulatory measures, we interviewed life science researchers working in switzerland about their views on durc. Durc includes research using technologies such as synthetic biology, clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats crispr and gene editing. A comparative analysis of practices and institutions in the eu and selected other countries deliverable 1. Foreign military financing and defense security cooperation agency dsca.

The role of export controls in regulating dual use research. Strengthen oversight of h5n1 proposals by re viewing for durc, scientific. The current policy environment dual use research of concern in. Interference is an increasing problem in both wideband and narrowband satcom systems. Nco evaluation report ssgisgmsg for use of this form, see ar 6233. Dual use research of concern durc is defined by the world health organization as life sciences research that is intended for benefit, but which might easily be misapplied to do harm. Dualuse in research 4 misused for biowarfare or bioterrorism resulting in what is termed as the dualuse dilemma of the life sciences. Jp 102 is accessible online as a searchable database and in pdf format at. Based on a single application, durc is a certificate of the companys compliance with the obligation to pay social security, welfare and insurance contributions. There were also modest shifts in strength for some other components of the selected reserve. The documento unico di regolarita contributiva durc is a document certifying construction companies regular payments of social contributions. Genedrive technology gene drives promote the expansion of a trait in a population by nonmendelian inheritance. Cyber commands proposal that disa conus be the interim eoc to support the implementation of jrss. Michael novakhov sharednewslinks biopreparedness in the.

Abstract the field of dual use research of concern durc has been rapidly expanding in the last decade. United states government policy for oversight of life. University of maryland export compliance program april 6, 2015 message from the vice president for research export control is governed by a group of federal regulations intended to advance the national security, foreign policy, and economic interests of the united states. Dod dictionary of military and associated terms joint chiefs of staff. Biological weapons bring the additional dimension that these could be selfreplicating, easy to manufacture and synthesized with. Institutions have discretion to consider other categories of research for durc potential. Life scientists views and perspectives on the regulation of. Any regulation of durc must, therefore, assess the various levels of threat which. Team bielefeldcebitec 2015 decided to propose an analysis of biosecurity, in detail the dual use issue, in the context of the igem competition.

Michael novakhov sharednewslinks biopreparedness in. Darpas warrior web project may provide superhuman enhancements. Institutional oversight of durc is a critical component of a comprehensive oversight system because institutions are most familiar with the life sciences research conducted in their facilities and are in the best position to promote and strengthen the responsible conduct and communication of durc. Footnote 20 in 20, the who held an informal consultation on dualuse research of concern durc to identify key issues relating to durc and to explore possible measures to address gaps in existing management approaches for dealing with durc. Science and national security issues concerns over national security and science have existed prior to the cold war. Biopreparedness in the age of genetically engineered pathogens.

The fundamental aim of this oversight is to preserve the benefits of life sciences research. The paper is intended to provide an overview of key clinical, ethical, social, legal and policy issues, but is not intended to offer any conclusions or. Military medicine, volume 180, issue 9, september 2015. Biopreparedness in the age of genetically engineered pathogens and open access science. The dutch golden age was a period in the history of the netherlands, roughly spanning the 17th century, in which dutch trade, science, military, and art were among the most acclaimed in the world. Certification of labour compliance, italy eurofound. Frontiers a new approach to evaluating the riskbenefit. The potential misuse of advances in life sciences research are raising concerns about national security threats. Dual use research of concern durc constitutes a major challenge for research practice and oversight on the local, national and international level. Durc is research conducted with the intent of good but has the potential of causing harm. The situation in germany is shaped by two partly competing suggestions of how to regulate securityrelated research. Durc is a subset of dual use research defined as life sciences research that, based on current understanding, can be reasonably anticipated to provide knowledge, information, products, or technologies that could be directly misapplied to pose a significant. The role of export controls in regulating dual use. The joint publication jp 102, department of defense dictionary of military and.

The government also recognizes that some research may offer both benefits and risks and has, accordingly, developed policies to manage the dissemination of information in circumstances where it has authority. To provide information to individuals entering active duty as a member in an officer candidate program or military specialty specified by the secretary of the army with the loan repayment program lrp as part of their contract. Dual use research of concern and the debate about gainof. Military medicine, volume 180, issue 9, september 2015, pages 943949, s. Article 43 states, each party has an equal right to the protection of the. The number one reason for discharge from the military. The us national science advisory board for biosecurity nsabb and the u. In 2011, the nsabb initially unanimously recommended censorship of methods for h5n1 durc, as it was deemed a biosecurity risk. The german ethics council, as an independent political advisory body, recommended a series of measures, including national. One aspect of this years project of detecting date rape drugs ingredients, we found many cases of sensitive information to be published free for access on the internet. Principles and approaches in ethics assessment dualuse in. Canadian biosafety guideline dualuse in life science. The united states national science advisory board for biosecurity nsabb has defined durc as research that, based on current.

Sep 14, 2017 the debate was refueled in 2012, when two studies describing the engineering of human transmissive h5n1 bird flu virus were published. Strengthening the role of the ibc in the 21st century. Attachments men u see privacy act statement in ar 6233 d. Acceleration in dual use research of concern durc and public availability of. Background paper dual use in biology and biomedicine. Any regulation of durc must, therefore, assess the various levels of threat which, inter alia, depend on the necessary expertise and equipment 11. On may 8, 2015, the russian federation and the peoples republic of china signed an agreement to cooperate on information security, 48 a term that is discussed in greater detail in a later section of this paper. Although the 2015 durc policy and the 20 dhhs framework thoroughly scrutinize a small segment of life sciences research for durc, the authors of the 2015 durc policy recognized that dur exists outside of the current scope and stated. Public law 11255, section 539a restricted debarred persons and entities. Future satcom modems will need interference excision capabilities builtin to remain competitive. Military communications are rapidly evolving o from largely voice and short text supported by.

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